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Sun Awareness Made Easy with Broxap Canopies

Sun Awareness Made Easy with Broxap Canopies
Sun Awareness Made Easy with Broxap Canopies
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Sun Awareness Week 2024 is taking place from 6 May to 12 May and is run by The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD). The focus this year is to raise awareness of non-melanoma skin cancer and encourage people to check their skin for this very common type of cancer.

With over 250,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer diagnosed annually in the UK and rates predicted to reach almost 400,000 per year by 2025, staying safe in the sun has never been more important.

What risks do sun rays carry?

We all know that sunny days are pretty rare in the UK, so when the sun finally comes out, it’s tempting to soak up as much as possible. However, you need to be careful because the sun can always be risky, even on the rare occasions we see it.

Unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV rays) can cause damage and may lead to:

  • Eye injuries can occur due to prolonged exposure to UVC rays, which can modify lens proteins in the eye and cause cataract formation. Cataracts, over time, can make your vision blurry, hazy or less colourful.
  • Skin cancer is a common issue, but most skin cancer is not melanoma, which is more severe. If left untreated, skin cancer can spread to other areas in your body. However, skin cancer is also very treatable.
  • Time spent in the sun can cause early skin ageing, leading to wrinkles, tightness, leathery skin, and dark spots.
  • White blood cells help create new cells when your skin gets burnt. This process can put your immune system at risk in other areas, leading to a lowered immune system.

You should be particularly cautious of sunburn if you have pale skin, naturally red hair, moles, or a family history of skin cancer.

Sun safety tips 

While a small amount of UV rays can be good for us, you should follow our sun safety tips below to stay as safe as possible.

Wear sun cream 

Choose a broad-spectrum suncream with an SPF of at least 30 (children should wear SPF 50). Remember to apply it generously and frequently throughout the day. Make sure to cover all areas of exposed skin, including your ears, nose, and the tops of your feet.

Stay in the shade 

Everyone should try to avoid direct sunlight during its most dangerous hours, between 11am and 3pm. You can seek shade under umbrellas or trees or, for ultimate protection, under a Broxap canopy.  

Broxap manufactures, designs, and installs a range of shelters and shades for various sectors. Our canopies are suitable for a wide range of outdoor areas, from businesses and public transport stops to schools and parks. Our canopies are designed to block harmful UV rays, providing a safe and comfortable environment even during the hottest hours of the day. They are also durable and weather-resistant, ensuring long-term protection for your outdoor spaces.

With a Broxap canopy, you can protect commuters, members of your workforce, and anyone who waits or socialises in these spots.

Protect your eyes

The sun’s harmful rays can be reflected from various surfaces including concrete, water, and sand. This reflected light can cause a painful burn to the eye’s surface, in the same way it can cause burns on the skin. 

You should wear sunglasses that wrap around and cover your eyes completely for the best protection. This is because these types of sunglasses provide a wider field of protection, blocking out more of the sun's harmful rays and reducing the risk of eye damage.

Look for sunglasses that block 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. It’s also important to avoid cheap or ‘knock-off’ sunglasses; just because they reduce glare doesn’t mean they’re blocking harmful UV rays.

What is the difference between UVA and UVB? 

UVA and UVB are both types of radiation from the sun. UVA rays sink deep into the skin and can cause premature ageing. They can also penetrate glass and clouds, which is why it’s important to wear suncream even on overcast days. UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and skin cancer.

Both UVA and UVB rays can be harmful to your skin, so it’s important to protect yourself from both types of radiation.

Guarantee Sun Safety with Broxap 

At Broxap, we fully recognise the importance of staying safe in the sun. We must all do what we can to help to prevent sun burn during the most dangerous hours of sunlight.

That’s why all our shades, shelters and canopies are designed to block harmful UV radiation… and look good while they’re doing it!

Click here to browse our latest canopy and shelter offers. Alternatively, contact our friendly sales team on 01782 957301 or email [email protected] to find the perfect sun protection canopy for your outdoor area today.
