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Altrincham Interchange Cycle Hub – Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM)

Cycle Hub at Altrincham - Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) - Broxap
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Broxap cycle hub is the final touch to Transport for Greater Manchester’s regeneration project in Altrincham.

In order to complete a £19m transport interchange at Altrincham, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) awarded Broxap with the contract to manufacture another cycle hub. The aim was to continue their park and ride initiative, basing the sleek, practical design on the previous units Broxap had produced and supplied.

Once installed, celebrated chair of the TfGM Committee, Councillor Andrew Fender described the cycle hub as “great news for Altrincham” and something which adds “the final touch” to the new interchange.

What are the features of the Altrincham Interchange cycle hub?

  • Broxap’s famous ‘Sheffield’ cycle stands with space for 53 cycles.
  • Glass panelling and a polycarbonate roof.
  • Automated doors for simple but secure access.
  • Swipe card access to registered users.
  • Integral lighting for access from 6am to Midnight.
  • CCTV for additional security.
  • Lockers for storing helmets and accessories.

This cycle hub unites Altrincham with the rest of the widely recognised bike parking system as its decoration features the TfGM Cycle Hub Scheme livery. For a map to locate the Altincham Interchange cycle hub, visit the Transport for Greater Manchester website.

Making Our Cycle Parking Work for You.

The design and build division at Broxap has seen much success creating visually striking, highly robust cycle hubs and compounds. Should you be in need of a secure bike parking solution in the style of the TfGM Cycle Hub, contact our team for a price enquiry.

Alternatively, take a look at all the variations we offer, from small scale cages to fully enclosed cycle compounds. Has a particular style caught your eye? Want to make changes to the configuration? Explore the customisable options on our cycle shelter accessories page.

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