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Djanogly Strelley Academy, Nottingham

Colourful Shade Sails at Djanogly Strelley Academy | Broxap
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Having previously soucred playground equipment through Broxap, Djanogly Strelley Academy turned to us once again when they required a shaded outdoor play area. They subsequently chose a set of colourful shade sails suspended above an eye-catching surface.

Playground surfacing can do wonders to inspire pupils in their imaginative play whilst also keeping them safer.

Broxap produced this soft play area (approx. 120 square metres) using green wet pour with a diagonal style river of blue wet pour cutting through the middle.

This was complemented by the install of a series bespoke canopies.

The final display consists of FSC® (FSC-C122338) timber columns with fixings for a series of different coloured shade sails. Chain work suspends the sails between the columns to make a striking and colourful covered area.

Interested in your own colourful shade sails? This display is a combination of the Broxap Perimeter Beam Shade Sail and the Westgate Outdoor Classroom.

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