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House of Bruar, Perthshire

Architectural Colonnade at House of Bruar - Broxap
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This private client wanted to provide a quality external covered area to his shopping arcade to provide protection to its customers and traders. The structure utilised standard cast aluminium elements coupled with bespoke aluminium fabrications to produce an architectural colonnade which incorporated an attractive portico to define the building entrance and a large multi-vaulted area to compliment the existing restaurant facilities. Based on designs from our original Dorothea TM traditional canopies portfolio.

  • Cast Aluminium columns, beams, spandrels, finials
  • Fabricated aluminium trusses, ridges, gables, screens
  • Extruded aluminium glazing bars, gutters, flashings
  • 6mm toughened safety glass
  • Victorian “Heritage” theme to component design
  • Fully glazed entrance portico integrated into colonnade structure
  • Triple-bay duo-pitch roof to alfresco dining area
  • Rear gutter structurally designed for man access and maintenance

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