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Hub on The Park, Surrey

Hub on the Park | Surrey | Broxap | Picnic Unit
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The Hub Café in Surrey required a selection of aesthetically pleasing, and practical picnic benches for their brand new outdoor dining space; and Broxap’s “Land” Picnic Units offered just that! 

The Hub Café is situated within the Surrey Technology Centre, in Surrey. This technology park is host to many scientifically minded employees.

The on grounds Café, “Hub on The Park” provides an innovative dining experience, inspired by street food vendors, for both the general public and staff who work on the premises.

As a recent development, a brand new outdoor dining area has been added too. This outdoor area allows diners to eat alfresco, experiencing all of the benefits which come from sitting and eating amongst nature.

In keeping with the natural surroundings, Broxap have provided the timber ‘Land’ picnic unit. This unit can sit up to six diners at one time making it the perfect addition to any social dining area.

The Hub opted to have eight of these individual units installed, creating a full outdoor dining area.

For more information about creating outdoor dining spaces, contact one of our trained advisors today.

Year Completed:


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Guildford, Surrey

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