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Kents Hill Park School, Milton Keynes

External Furniture and Shelters
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Broxap won an order to supply Willmott Dixon with an extensive package of external furniture and shelters.

This included a large selection of Broxap’s products to complete this new build school project.

A series of Wardale Shelters were cleverly sited to follow the pathway of the school, providing the ideal opportunity for pupils to park cycles in a dry environment. An Arbraoth Parking Stand was added to store motorcyles and motorised scooters. In addition, Broxap supplied brightly coloured scooter racks to park children’s push along scooters.

A number of ‘Blox’ Timber and Steel Bin Stores provides a lockable enclosed unit to store larger recycling bins. Furthermore, to complete the project, Fallowfield Benches were situated at the entrance to the school, along with Door BarriersDerby Litter Bins and steel signage posts.

The school now has external furniture and shelters which bring it to life; in summary, it’s a safe and accessible place to learn and work.

Year Completed:


Project Value:



Milton Keynes

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