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Pleasure Gardens, Sutton on Sea

Pleasure Gardens, Sutton on Sea
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Bespoke seating has been installed at a popular park.
Pleasure Gardens in Sutton on Sea, on the Lincolnshire Coast, is now home to a Circular Seated Planter from our new seated planter range.
Two beautiful semi-circular Easthorpe Seats have also been installed at the gardens ready for the summer.
Pleasure Gardens were laid out by the landscape architect and writer Dame Sylvia Crowe in 1954.
However the original gardens are thought to date back to the 1930s, and were replaced by Crowe following a devastating storm tide which breached the sea defences.
As part of the design of the new gardens, a surviving portion of a colonnade, also dating back to the 1930s, was repaired and a new section was added incorporating square columns with wide arches spanning the bays.
But the site is now in line for another facelift.
In 2021, demolition work started on the colonnade with plans now in place to invest £6 million in a new landmark structure overlooking the Pleasure Gardens.
The modern development will include a café, gallery and exhibition space as well as viewing decks.
Pop-up trading, craft and performance space as well as sheltered seating will be available while 15 new modern beach huts and six luxury holiday lodges also feature in the proposals.
The project is being supported by the Government’s Town Fund and building work is expected top start in the summer of 2022.
Following its completion, further enhancements to Pleasure Gardens are expected. Contractor Gelder Limited, for East Lindsey District Council, completed the installation of the additional Easthorpe Seats and the new Seated Planter to provide more facilities for the public while colonnade works are ongoing. They are located behind the gardens’ anchor water feature to avoid the risk of any damage during the construction phase.

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Sutton on Sea, Mablethorpe

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