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Priory Rise School, Milton Keynes

Outdoor Classroom at Priory Rise School - Broxap
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Priory Rise contacted Broxap when it became apparent that their existing outdoor canopy (buillt by a construction company in conjunction with an extension to the school some years back) was now not fit for purpose as the wind blew straight through the canopy and it was very dark beneath, the school also had seen an increase in pupils and also the canopy somewhat obscured the access door to the yard.

Broxap were tasked with providing a solution that would cover the entire playground area between the existing buildings, provide easy access to the classrooms and have an answer to the problem of the wind blowing through the shelter.

Broxap provided this large scale Newcastle Lattice structure complete with side screen that also allowed access to other play areas beyond yet kept the wind at bay.

The shelter was finished off with some brightly coloured post protectors and the children can now play outside and be dry and protected from the sun.

View all Shelters for Schools> 
