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Rugby Free Primary School, Warwickshire

Monopitch Canopy at Rugby Free Primary School - Broxap
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This school contacted Broxap in regard to acquiring a canopy that fulfilled two requirements, firstly the building had a wide and long access ramp (derived from the buildings former use).  This ramp was a necessity as due to the complexity of the area featuring the retaining wall (far to costly to remove) and the ramp allowing access to the building at a greater height; thus the canopy needed to cover the ramp.

The secondary requirement was that the children utilised an area in front of the ramp as a play area, this needed to be covered as well to give protection on rainy days.

Broxap overcame this by a monopitch canopy that had the front legs cantilevered from the edge of the retaining wall at the front and across to the one side. This gave the opportunity of creating one big space that did both the job for the access and the covered play area.

In the end an aesthetically pleasing canopy that fulfilled all functions asked of it allowing the costs to be offset by the 2 areas into 1 large shelter.
