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University of Oxford, NDM Research Building

Timber Cycle Shelter at University of Oxford Research Centre - Broxap
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The University required a large scale secure compound to facilitate students cycles, however they were looking for something a little bit more aesthetically pleasing than a traditional steel canopy.

Broxap supplied and installed this bespoke version of their Blox ‘B’ cycle shelter which features PEFC Western Red Cedar timber secured to an inner galvanized steel framework and has an trapezoidal roof cladding.

Traditionally the timber slats are positioned in a ‘horizontal’ fashion however on this occasion the University requested it was done in a ‘vertical’ formation to create more light into the compound.

Access is gained via an electronic key fob mechanism and a ‘push button’ to exit.

Integral lighting is installed to give extra visibility within on dark days or at night.

The HPS Colourcoat roofing system features integral guttering and downpipes to shed rainwater to ground level.

Up to 56 cycles can be stored inside secured to Sheffield Stands with the users own lock(s).
