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Getting it Right Location, Security and Management BannerGetting it Right Location, Security and Management Banner

Getting it Right: Location, Security and Management


When planning cycle parking it is important to consider:

  • Location
  • Security
  • Management 

Location is extremely important when planning your cycle parking. Users must be able to easily identify where the designated cycle parking zone is and the access must be easy.

Narrow corridors, ramps, steps and lifts will all deter cyclists from utilising the cycle parking.

The idea is to get more people using cycles than other forms of transport and reduce carbon emissions. This will not happen if no thought is given to how people will identify a cycle parking area and easily access it.



Short Stay Parking

  • Parking should be adjacent and no further than 15m from the main entrance
  • As a general rule it should be closer than the nearest non-disabled car parking bay, or adjacent to the entrance
  • It should be clearly signed and covered

Long Stay Parking

  • Parking should be no further than 50m from entrances, however it should be closer than the nearest non-disabled parking bay
  • Cycle parking should be no more than one floor from the ground floor. It must be well signposted.
  • All long stay cycle parking must be covered and secure
  • Ideally on route to the main entrance


Short Stay Parking

  • Provide CCTV coverage of the cycle parking
  • Place parking in areas of high footfall
  • Place parking as close as possible (max 15m away) to entrances

Long Stay Parking

  • Be restricted in some form, with self-closing and locking doors
  • Encourage personal security (user owned bike locks) within the secure area if the bike parking is shared
  • Provide access by combination entry or key fob in residential developments and smart card or key fob in workplace developments
  • Provide user keys if tech bike parking is required for individual bikes (such as vertical lockers)
  • Provide CCTV coverage of the secure area


Short Stay Parking

  • Future maintenance of the cycle parking should be agreed during the planning process
  • Abandoned bikes should be removed after a notice period 

Long Stay Parking

  • Future maintenance of the cycle parking should be agreed during the planning process
  • Day to day upkeep is often required
  • Process should be in place for the issuing of access cards, fobs or keys
  • A cycle parking induction should be available for new users